Sunday, December 27, 2009

Siggraph Asia 2009 trip day 5

Woke up at 8am again and left for a talk by SEGA corporation and their training program for new employees. Apparently, it seemed that anyone can get a job with SEGA even if they have no programming skills or modeling and animating skills but they have to be Japanese. The training teaches the very basics of the employees job. So, if you are hired as an game programmer,they will teach basic programming to you.
Also, I learned that there is a new position at SEGA called the technical artist who is in the middle of an artists and a programmer. Similar to a a game designer but a technical artist sometimes does animations and also sometime does programming.
After the talk, I went for lunch at the convenience store again!! Damn, how many times have I eaten there.
SEGA talk was the only talk I planned to go for the day and so, I went to roam around the exhibition hall and the job fair again. This time, I found some new interesting items on display.
Kaidan, A horror game using mixed reality. Developed by university students.

Gears that play the music when rotated.
A really cool umbrella which made sword slashing sounds when swung.

Puyocon, a toy/device which looks like a ball that controls the character in the game by rotating the ball.

I also stumbled upon a presentation a really cute robot that can converse in both Japanese and English. It was a pretty funny presentation as the robot keeps on making fun of the presenter.

After the presentation, I was bored and I decided to got for a talk on DIY hardware. It happened that my teacher was also at the talk. The talk was about electronics and making your own devices. There are a few presenters there, each of them presenting their own product. One of which was the Chiptune marching band, a device/instrument that plays electronic sounds. I kinda regret not going for the workshop the day before as it seemed really cool. A Microsoft presenter was also there to present their toy, the Dragonfly. It's a device which anyone could quickly assemble a device they want by joining up the parts they need like the usb port, mp3 player ,etc. After joining the pieces together, the user have to program it in order to use it. The language was in C# though.
A tetris game console made with the Microsoft's Dragonfly.
After the DIY talk, I went for the talk on Gundams. It's in Japanese and there's translation. But, I fell asleep for the first half. When I woke up, I learned 2 things from the speaker. One was that he hates Final Fantasy or rather he thinks that he will beat FF in sales and popularity one day. The second was that to never give up on what you want to do can continue hoping. He said a Japanese phrase which was "Losing hope is a fatal disease" which I think was pretty true.

After the Gundam talk, we went for Houdini reception which was awesome, at least it did not disappoint me like the Siggraph reception the day before. The food there was delicious.
After which, we roam around the shopping center, World Porters as the others have not been there before.

Looks nice but in the end our supper was at the convenience store.

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